Finished reading: The Bear by Andrew Krivak 📚

Like if The Road was written by a nature poet.

Some Passages I Liked

I miss whom I once could touch, as all must do when we make our way through whatever fires or wood it is in which we travel or are raised.

You need to be hungry for more than food. More than sleep. We all go to sleep and will be asleep for a long time. Be hungry for what you have yet to do while you’re awake.

Her father told her once that all animals were creatures of habit and so, too, were they. The difference was she could choose to change her habits. Animals changed when they were afraid. Change before fear has had a chance to overcome you, he said, or after you have overcome it and like a storm it has moved on.

Found Poetry

Snow in late fall, fish, too, gone from the weir.

the sky beginning to pale behind him like the world itself being born