Y/N: Notes & Highlights

I’m not entirely sure what my thoughts are on this book. I enjoyed the craft of the writing and am interested in the nature of fandom, but it also started losing me towards the end.

The ending itself felt abrupt, but I’m also not sure how else you’d end a narrative like this.

Another discovery via Sonia’s Poem of the Week email.

Highlights from Y/N by Esther Yi 📚

What I feared most wasn’t death or global cataclysm but the everyday capitulations that chipped away at the monument of seriousness that was a soul

is perfection just the massive accumulation of small errors?

Culture amounted to a collection of agreed-upon values that made it possible for large groups of people to live beside each other in relative peace.

They confused their navigation through the stunning variety of meaningless choices as an expression of their individuality. True individuality, however, was indistinguishable from the evacuation of the self in service of a higher purpose, she claimed.